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我們常告訴學生,不要一直「背」單字,因為當你背單字、查字典的時候,重點會放在知道它的「字面意思」,而不去瞭解它真正含意。所以很容易就講出“We’ll wait for you at twelve o’clock.”(我們中午十二點等你來)這類的句子。
如何破冰、開啟small talk也許是個難關,但有時候「無法結束」也是一個難題。要怎麼樣從small talk中脫身才不會顯得失禮呢?對方想交換聯絡方式,但你不太想給時,只能期待對方讀懂你的「尷尬卻不失禮貌」的微笑嗎?趕快把以下金句收進口袋。
John剛換新手機,很開心地和他的外籍老師分享:“I just changed a new phone.” (我剛剛換了一個新手機。)
An estimated 16 million people in the US have lost their jobs in the past three weeks, many due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With millions of unemployment claims overwhelming states’ websites and phone lines, some have been unable to access benefits. A startup called DoNotPay has launched a newest feature: a chatbot that will help you complete and submit unemployment claims.
有個和英文有關的笑話:有個人出國旅行時,在機場想問人到哪裡取行李,就問Where can I find my baggage?結果機場的工作人員就帶他去"Lost and found”失物招領處去了,以為他弄丟行李了。
1. Send an email including the time and the agenda of the call. 電話/視訊會議開始前,先寄郵件告知與會的大家會議時間、議程。
在一次閒聊中,John問起國外同事最近的業務,同事說:The sales are definitely on the slide. On the slide 乍聽之下,還以為同事請他自己去看slide (投影片),如果真再問 ”Where is the slide?” 可就糗了。
James和美國老闆一起工作好幾年,工作默契很好。有一天老闆稱讚他: "You are a good sport." 他以為老闆說他很會運動,忙著解釋自己不太擅長運動。其實,這句話和和運動無關。