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美國一家知名公司徵才面試的問題是:How much is two plus two?(二加二是多少)
Before you start... 衝浪系、葡萄酒系、麵包科學系…越來越多非傳統的創新科系,意味著大眾對於專業的定義正漸漸改變,也許是因應社會需求,又或是大眾開始意識到--有效地將激情轉換成專業,能從根本改革教育。
Email 如同辦公室的延伸,上班難免遇到不好配合的夥伴,可是礙於禮貌又不能直接撕破臉,讓不少人氣得委屈。美國作家兼行銷專家 Danielle René 在她的 Twitter 上問大家都是用什麼句子在 Email 裡反擊,結果美國鄉民們瘋狂討論,原來我們平時熟悉的per my email、please advise 都有更深一層的意味。
Poverty(貧窮)這個單字是出自拉丁文的pauper,意思是poor,泛指缺乏金錢或資源,後來演化成法文的poverté,再變成現今的英文。Pauper一字如今在英文仍是指窮光蛋或貧民,美國大文豪--馬克吐溫曾經寫了一本著名小說「乞丐王子」,英文書名就是(The Prince and the Pauper)。
Have bad credit? Does Amazon have a solution for you (as long as you have the collateral).
Benson在公司大樓門口遇見外籍同事,他打招呼:"How are you today?"
喜歡看美劇的Kim最近在追《勁爆女子監獄》,他發現該劇的英文片名是Orange is the New Black,「成為新的黑色」到底是什麼意思呢?
Every country places food at the centre of its culture. We both celebrate and commiserate with it, build relationships with it, and use it for fuel. It is such a central part of our lives that it often appears on television or in magazines and even makes it into movies as a major theme, both in the West and in Asia. Through these media outlets, we can see the love of food and dining out. Although there are similarities between the Orient's and Occident's dining experiences, there are also differences.
Chloe剛到一個外商公司上班,雖然溝通都大致上沒問題,可是還是覺得有聽沒有懂,有次收到老闆的回饋,裡面寫著:You asked me what I thought about your proposal. I think this idea has legs. Chloe看了三遍,滿臉狐疑,難道是覺得她的想法,畫蛇添足像多了一隻腳嗎?
繼臉書發行的「Libra」引起各界廣泛的關注與討論之後,報載,中國大陸人民銀行(以下簡稱為人行)近期也將發行數位貨幣(Digital Currencies),成為全球主要國家中,第一個發行數位貨幣的央行。我向一些虛擬通貨的業界朋友請教這個議題,多數人都認為中國大陸政府在這個時候推出數位貨幣十分具有戰略意義。