With the arrival of the new agricultural era, Taiwanese agriculture must surmount the conventional production and marketing model in order to expand the scale through combining with networks as well as electronic business platforms to exploit new business opportunities. However, faced with the two main dif culties of “low-temperature transportation” and “overpriced freight”, the concern not only includes that the consumers might take a step back, but also afraid that it would be uneasy to prese
從上班族與學生都熟悉的產品||利貼便條紙、透明膠帶、單價只要台幣一五八元的可擦拭液晶面板及眼鏡的魔布、家庭主婦用的菜瓜布, 到當紅 TFT-LCD 面板的零組件之一背光模組中有聚光效果的菱鏡片、3M 薄膜等等,3M 公司的產品樣樣抓住時代的趨勢。