1. 開場白:
"Hi everyone, thanks for coming"「大家好,謝謝您的到來。」
"Shall we get started?"「可以開始了嗎?」
"Let's begin"「我們開始吧!」
"Let's get the ball rolling"「讓我們開始吧!」(注意:這是屬於輕鬆的慣用語,較適用於美商企業)
“Ladies and gentle men, thank you very much for coming today.”「各位先生女士,非常謝謝您的光臨。」
“Good afternoon, folks.”「大家午安」
“Good morning everyone.「各位早安」
"Shall we get started?"「可以開始了嗎?」
"Let's begin"「我們開始吧!」
"Let's get the ball rolling"「讓我們開始吧!」(注意:這是屬於輕鬆的慣用語,較適用於美商企業)
“Ladies and gentle men, thank you very much for coming today.”「各位先生女士,非常謝謝您的光臨。」
“Good afternoon, folks.”「大家午安」
“Good morning everyone.「各位早安」
2. 自我介紹及職稱&此次簡報主題
"My name is ____. I work in the sales office in Taipei and I have been asked to come here today to speak to you about intercultural communicationskills"
"I am the manager of our marketing department and I would like to speak about internet marketing today"
“I am a representative of _________ Company and I would like present some ideas for your organization.”
“I am a professor at National Taiwan University and the theme of my talk today is the Obama administration and healthcare reform.”
"I am the manager of our marketing department and I would like to speak about internet marketing today"
“I am a representative of _________ Company and I would like present some ideas for your organization.”
“I am a professor at National Taiwan University and the theme of my talk today is the Obama administration and healthcare reform.”
3. 與聽眾互動,並找出他們對此一主題的了解程度注意:面對美籍客戶的話,與聽眾互動,讓聽眾有一起參與的感覺是很好的開頭。
"Have you ever heard of ____?"「你有聽過_______嗎?」
"How many of you know ____?"「你們有幾位知道_________呢?」
“Perhaps you are already aware…”「也許你已經覺察到…..」
“You may be wondering….”「你也許會疑惑….」 4. 說明你的來意及目的
"My goal today is to help you understand ___"「我今天的目的是協助你了解______。」
"I would like to illustrate ____"「我想說明的是_______」
"I will demonstrate_____"「我將示範_________」
"I will give you some background on ____"「我會給你一些對於_______的背景了解。」
“I will explain_____”「我會解釋_________。」
“I would like to introduce________”「我想要介紹__________。」
"How many of you know ____?"「你們有幾位知道_________呢?」
“Perhaps you are already aware…”「也許你已經覺察到…..」
“You may be wondering….”「你也許會疑惑….」 4. 說明你的來意及目的
"My goal today is to help you understand ___"「我今天的目的是協助你了解______。」
"I would like to illustrate ____"「我想說明的是_______」
"I will demonstrate_____"「我將示範_________」
"I will give you some background on ____"「我會給你一些對於_______的背景了解。」
“I will explain_____”「我會解釋_________。」
“I would like to introduce________”「我想要介紹__________。」
5. 說明妳的訊息架構或妳的簡報計劃
"First, I will present some simple definitions"「首先,我會說明一些簡單的定義。」
"Then, I will explain ____"「再來,我會解釋______。」
"In the next section, I'd like to show ___"「接下來,我會展示_______。」
"Finally, I'm going to ask you to take part in a demonstration"「最後,我會邀請妳參與這個示範。」
"In the next section, I'd like to show ___"「接下來,我會展示_______。」
"Finally, I'm going to ask you to take part in a demonstration"「最後,我會邀請妳參與這個示範。」
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記得,妳可以加入免費電子報 http://InspireYou.tw/Sign-Up