中文的「我愛你」,英文說成”I love you."那「我贏你」是否也可以如法泡製,講成”I win you”?世界杯打得如火如荼,賽事輸贏,win/ lost這兩個字出現頻率很高,你一定沒想到,這個字出錯的比例這麼高。
(X) England won Sweden to reach the World Cup semi-final.
(O) England beat Sweden to reach the World Cup semi-final.
(X) We won our competitors. => (O)We defeated our competitors. 我們贏(打敗)對手。
(O) He won lottery/the game/ the prize. 他贏得樂透/比賽/獎項。
(X) Red Socks lost Yankees.
(O)Red Socks lost to Yankees.
一如win這個字,lose的中文解釋是「輸掉」,輸掉後面一個加某個東西。「我輸你」也不能用I lose you的直翻說法,但若是lose後接to,就能加「輸給的對象」,看看例句:
I lost to Peter in the sales contest. 銷售競爭我輸給Peter。
如果有人告訴你”My watch is losing.”千萬不要以為他丟掉錶了,這句話的意思是"我的錶走慢了。"
贏得比賽、辯論、選舉 Win a game/ competition/ debate/ election
Who will win the World Cup? 誰會是世界盃足球賽的贏家?
If he wins the next election, I will leave this country. 如果他贏了選舉,我就要離開這個國家。 贏得贊同、信任、好感 Win one’s support/ trust/ love
Jesse’s plans have won the support of many local people. Jesse的計畫贏得當地許多人的支持。
Ricky eventually won Ellie’s heart. Ricky最終贏得了Ellie的心。
Win Sb over 說服
I'm sure we'll win him over eventually. 我很確定我們最後一定能說服他。
He had some good ideas, but failed to win over his boss. 他有很多好點子,但卻沒辦法說服他的老闆。
Win back 重新贏回…
This strategy may help us win back some customers. 這項策略說不定能為我們贏回一些顧客。
The candidate wants to win back votes after the scandal. 醜聞過後,候選人想要挽回票數。