1. 外面天氣好熱。
It's hot out there.
It's boiling out there.
2. 我整天都很忙。
I'm busy all day long.
I'm tied up all day long.
說明:就像是被繩子纏住脫不了身,I’m tied up會比I’m busy更能表現出自己忙得不可開交。
3. 你沒有抓到重點。
You missed the point.
You missed the crux.
說明:英文慣用語裡有所謂the crux of a question、the crux of the matter,意指「問題的癥結」,因此若你用crux取代point,更能讓人警覺。
4. 選舉結果令他們大感意外。
The election results surprised them.
The election results bowled them over.
說明:bowl over是一個動詞片語,原指保齡球擊倒球瓶,後引申為「讓…大吃一驚」,比surprise更具動作感。
5. 去東京前,我必須練習一下日文。
I must review my Japanese before going to Tokyo.
I must brush up my Japanese before going to Tokyo.
說明:brush up是「刷拭衣物」的動作,為的是使衣物更新更乾淨,當你某項技能生疏了,不妨拿起相關工具brush up一下!
6. 那位主播喜歡炫耀知識。
That anchor likes to show his knowledge.
That anchor likes to parade his knowledge.
7. 他忘光了自己的承諾。
He completely forgot his promise.
He clean forgot his promise.