加拿大政治新星賈斯汀.杜魯多(Justin Trudeau),去年不但終結保守黨連9年的執政當選總理,同時,他也以媲美明星的高顏值與好身材「揚名國際」。杜魯多是加拿大史上第二年輕的總理,肩上刺有烏鴉刺青,選舉政見包括「大麻合法化」;離經叛道的他要如何統御加拿大?不少人此前抱持著「看笑話」的心態;但日前杜魯多在瑞士達沃斯世界經濟論壇發表的演說,至少還算中規中矩。
Today, we are gathered here to contemplate whether we are in the early stages of a fourth industrial revolution. Steam power changed the world utterly. And now we may be on the cusp of change equal in magnitude and far swifter in pace. Technology itself will not determine the future we get. Our choices will. Leadership will. I believe in positive, ambitious leadership. I don't believe leaders should prey on the anxiety of the disenfranchised.
contemplate /ˋkɑntɛm͵plet/ (v.) 深思
例句:He contemplates every word before speaking.
on the cusp of 處在⋯⋯的開端
例句:We are on the cusp of a new social media revolution.
disenfranchise /͵dɪsɪnˋfræntʃaɪz/ (v.) 剝奪……的權利
例句:Women were disenfranchised from voting in 19th century.