I am a financial manager. (我是財務經理。)
the CEO of the startup (新公司的執行長)
A few more steps will bring us to the new building.(我們再多走幾步就可以到新大樓了。)
能夠抓出中英文思考順序不同的結構,習慣它,就能夠用英文思考。今天帶各位一起找出一種容易忽略的英文結構:後置形容詞。無論中英文,我們都熟悉<形容詞+名詞>,像a hard worker、a profitable business。現在看一些特例:
(X) Is there important thing in the speech? (這場演講有哪些重點?)
(O) Is there anything important in the speech?
(X) I’d like to eat something. (我想吃點東西。)
(O) I’d like to get something to eat. I’ll be back in 30 mins.
少數幾個形容詞習慣後置,如available, possible, present, absent等。
(X) Sorry, we don’t have any available seat. (對不起,我們沒有座位了。)
(O) Sorry, we don’t have any seat available.
有些形容詞像responsible, involved, concerned前置或後置意思不同。
I'm writing to you as you are the person responsible for customer relations.(你負責顧客關係部門,所以我寫信給你。)a responsible person意為「可信賴的人」、「可靠的人」;the person responsible 意為「 負責人」、「主管人」。
Can you tell me is there any cost involved? (請問是否需要費用?)
This is an involved problem.(這是個複雜的問題。)