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脫口秀主持人Stephen Colbert:99.9%的玩笑,100%的真誠

脫口秀主持人Stephen Colbert:99.9%的玩笑,100%的真誠

2018-11-30 16:51

美國脫口秀主持人 Stephen Colbert 的節目 The Late Show 以諷刺時事為主軸,他幽默犀利的風格特別受到川普主政下鬱悶的美國人歡迎。


美國脫口秀主持人 Stephen Colbert 的節目 The Late Show 以諷刺時事為主軸,他幽默犀利的風格特別受到川普主政下鬱悶的美國人歡迎。然而這些嘲諷是否煽動著觀眾,而加深今日美國社會的對立?

對此, Colbert 表示,他的初衷並不在煽動某種情緒,而是試圖藉由笑話,真實反映面對時事的喜怒哀樂,而讓觀眾在紛亂的生活中不再感到孤單。

Before you start
Stephen Colbert


美國深夜脫口秀主持人,1997 年起在深夜秀出道,2005 開始擁有自己的衍生節目 The Colbert Report,2014年受邀接任CBS的深夜節目The Late Show。訪問過多位總統的他,在公眾場合中從不諱言政治議題,卻又能巧妙閃躲,大膽作風令人又愛又恨。


Colbert 的政治立場傾向自由派,但在主持 The Colbert Report 時期,他扮演一位保守派新聞主播,以誇張的模仿風格諷刺美國保守媒體,許多人因此分不清楚他個人的政治立場。2014 年轉戰 The Late Show 後,他正式讓這個保守派主播的角色「退休」,以本人身份接棒主持新節目。


Colbert 曾獲邀擔任2006年白宮記者晚宴演說嘉賓,在其中毫不留情地狠酸時任總統小布希,事後並未有許多主流媒體報導,卻在網路上爆紅。他分別在2006年及2012年獲選時代雜誌年度百大人物。



訪談節錄:節錄自紐約時報 Times Talks 2018年8月座談

You’re obviously not shy about your politics and in fact your willingness to ___ Trump has helped ratings. But I think your audience is largely made up of the people agree with you… Given it how polarized we are as a country, do you feel like you’re contributing to that in any way?


I don’t know. I mean I won’t let myself off the hook, I suppose that’s possible… People will tell me that the show has an influence on them. They said that about the old show, too. It had an influence on them. And who am I to say that it’s not. If they say it’s influencing them, then it is. Not my intention. My intention is to laugh about what happened today. Make jokes of what happened today and 99.9% of the time.


But I think the show actually reflects what’s happening. It doesn’t create what’s happening. You know, we have our own editorial agency. We choose the things we’re gonna talk about today. But we talk about what we were talking about today because this was the conversation today, for the most part.


There’re some things that are conversations today that are too tragic to touch. And to touch those, they have to be inescapable the only thing being spoken about. And then you have to approach honestly. And If I find what’s happening a horror, I have to make jokes that reflect that. And it’s turned out that I am not alone in that feeling. I don’t think I’m creating the audience’s feelings. I don’t think I’m leading their feelings. I think I’m saying “This is how I felt today” and people are watching the show because they say “Oh, yeah. I agree. That’s how I felt today.”


Are you tired of joking about him [Donald Trump]?


No, because I’m not tired of joking and it’s the conversation. And I’m not gonna escape him being the president of The United States by not making jokes about him. And by making jokes about him I feel better. I mean I have a release, you know. People come up and say “I love your show at the end of the day. I feel better about the day.” I feel the same way. The day after Donald Trump was elected, I did the live show the night before…didn’t get a lot of sleep. Did the show the next night. I immediately walked on the stage went “Oh I can’t believe how much I need the audience, and how I need this sense of community.”


So it’s a little therapeutic for you?


It’s completely therapeutic for me. Yeah, I love it. I always feel better when I’m on stage. And so… Am I tired of him being a president? You bet! Am I tired of making jokes about him? No.




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