芭芭拉.貝斯金(Barbara Beskind)的故事最近躍上美國不少媒體版面。兩年前,她寄了一封求職信到矽谷的IDEO公司,這是專為蘋果設計滑鼠的頂尖設計公司;至於芭芭拉,當時將近90歲了……;是的,她如願成為正式職員,看看這封讓老奶奶進入矽谷的敲門磚是怎麼寫的吧。
▲芭芭拉(左)90歲終於如願進入充滿創意的矽谷工作。(圖片取自 IDEO 官網)
When the《60 minutes》 Program featured IDEO last January. I was immediately intrigued⋯ I believe my 44-year career in Occupational Therapy would be of significant value to your firm….Now, at nearly 90, I am in good health, ambulate well and am anxious to be involved with others who share a passion for problem-solving and innovative design.
intrigue (v.)/ɪnˋtrig/ 好奇、著迷、吸引人
例句:I have been intrigued by the question of whether there is a difference between man and woman.
ambulate(v.)/ ˋæmbjə͵let/ 移動、步行
例句:After the car accident, she may ambulate slowly but bending down was avoided.
be involved with 參與、 一起合作
例句:He has been involved with people who devote themselves in interstellar traveling for years.