8月10日,Google宣布組織重整,成立控股公司字母(Alphabet),Google將成為字母底下最主要的子公司。Google創辦人賴瑞.佩奇寫了一封公開信向外界交代重整的前因後果,此舉除使Google「微瘦身」外,也能避免公司陷入「安於舒適圈」而停止創新的企業慣性。話鋒一轉,他強調Google新任執行長桑德爾.皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)能夠坐上大位的原因,正是停不下來的進步企圖。
From the start, we’ve always strived to do more….We’ve long believed that over time companies tend to get comfortable doing the same thing, just making incremental changes….This new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities we have inside of Google. A key part of this is Sundar Pichai. Sundar has really stepped up since October of last year….
打從一開始,我們就致力於做更多事……。我們向來相信時間一長,公司就傾向安逸的重彈老調,頂多增加一點點的改變……。新的架構將使我們更聚焦地讓Google擁有不凡的表現;要完成這件事,關鍵人物是桑德爾.皮查伊(Google 新任執行長)。從去年十月(成為副總裁)以來,他真的進步很多……。
strive (v.) /straɪv/ 努力、苦幹
例句:Teachers strove to make students understand the lesson.
incremental (a.) /ɪnkrəˋməntl/ 增加的、漸增的
例句:Changes at the technology are more radical than incremental.
step up 進步、加強
例句:The police are stepping up their efforts to fight crime.