綜合外媒報導,尼泊爾雪人航空(Yeti Air) 一架載有72人客機,1/15從首都加德滿都(Kathmandu)飛往該國第二大城博克拉(Pokhara),於塞提峽谷(Seti River Gorge)墜毀,失事原因仍在調查當中。
而事發前的一段臉書直播畫面也引發瘋傳,據了解,當時飛機正準備降落,這名拍攝影片的男子名叫賈斯瓦爾(Sonu Jaiswal),原本拍著窗外畫面,卻在下一秒意外拍下飛機失控的全程。
(Graphic content warning) Last moments of Yeti Airlines passengers onboard: Visuals from inside the aircraft ========================================== Minutes before the ill-fated Yeti Airlines plane crashed in Nepal's Pokhara, four of its passengers, all residents of Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh, were live on Facebook to share their experience on the flight. 'Mauj Kar Di' (it's real fun) shouts one of them excitedly as the 1.30-minute video shows the Pokhara town below. The phone camera also pans on one of them, Sonu Jaiswal (29). After 58 seconds, however, the video shows aircraft taking a sharp turn towards the left and then crashing and turning into flames. As the phone camera continued to roll, it caught glimpses of towering flames around it for the next 30 seconds. These four passengers from Baresar in Ghazipur were out of five Indians who died along with 68 other passengers in the crash. Sonu Jaiswal (29), Anil Rajbhar (28), Vishal Sharma (23), Abhishek Singh Kushwaha (23) had landed in Kathmandu on January 13 and after performing puja at the Pashupatinath temple, were heading for Pokhara for paragliding.
由 Anirban Biswas 發佈於 2023年1月15日 星期日