LinkedIn 針對去年轉換跑道的50000位會員調查發現,許多產業其實對不同教育、工作背景的人才開放。
For those who have been longing to change their career path but have never mustered the courage to do so, here is a piece of news that you might enjoy. According to a report released in January by LinkedIn, many industries in high demand are seeking for a large portion of talented workers from different backgrounds. While we may assume that internet companies are only for engineers who hoard a lot of coding experience, the report showed us a different story. The data suggests that the internet industry tops the chart of hiring industry outsiders, such as retail experts, business development professionals, and strategists. Followed by the internet industry is venture capital, an area that is willing to give job-seekers an opportunity to challenge themselves. Other industries that top the list include computer security, online media, and recruiting. Though it's still easier for some professions to transfer to another industry than others, if you have good connections and a well-written résumé, chances are you can still give it a try and enjoy a fresh start in life.
LinkedIn 針對去年轉換跑道的50000位會員調查發現,許多產業其實對不同教育、工作背景的人才開放。調查中,轉換到網路業的會員有11.8%,有零售經驗、業務發展或是經營策略專長的人才都有機會加入。其次有11/1%會員轉到創投與私募股權投資。接下來是資訊安全產業(10.6%)、網路媒體(9.9%)和人力資源(9.4%)。擁有特殊專長的求職者換跑道會比其它人來的容易,但只要有人脈、履歷夠豐富,不盡然需要一輩子綁在同一個產業。■
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2015年3月號