美國前副總統、共和黨總統參選人彭斯(Mike Pence)今天宣布退出美國總統大選,他並表示,「現在還不是我參選的時候」。
法新社報導,彭斯是首位宣布退選的2024年總統大選候選人。他今天在拉斯維加斯舉行的共和黨猶太聯盟(Republican Jewish Coalition)年會中宣布,「當前情勢已經很清楚,現在還不是我角逐大位的時候。」
彭斯和他的大多數競爭對手都在爭取成為明年總統大選的共和黨提名候選人,但在前總統川普(Donald Trump)壓倒性的領先優勢下,他們很難有機會出頭。
“There is a time for every purpose under Heaven.”“There is a time for every purpose under Heaven.” After traveling the country the past six months, it has become clear…this is not my time. As we leave this campaign, we do so with grateful hearts. I will always be grateful for the opportunities my family and I have been given to serve this country. Karen and I want to thank all our supporters across the country, our campaign family, and volunteers. You will always be in our hearts. God bless you all 🇺🇸
由 Mike Pence 發佈於 2023年10月28日 星期六