
The total collapse of WTC 7 at 5:20 PM on 9/11, is remarkable because it exemplified all the signature features of an implosion: The building dropped in absolute free fall for the first 2.25 seconds of its descent over a distance of 32 meters or eight stories. Its transition from stasis to free fall was sudden, occurring in approximately one-half second. It fell symmetrically straight down. Its steel frame was almost entirely dismembered and deposited mostly inside the building’s footprint, while most of its concrete was pulverized into tiny particles. Finally, the collapse was rapid, occurring in less than seven seconds.
stasis / ˋstesɪs / 靜止、停滯
例句:Life is in stasis for people who do a job they don’t love.
dismember / dɪsˋmɛmbɚ/ 支解、分割
例句:The killer dismembered the body and dumped it in the ocean.
pulverize / ˋpʌlvə͵raɪz/ 粉碎
例句:The long lasting housing bubble pulverized most labors’ hopes for a home.