英國女星凱特.溫絲蕾(Kate Winslet)因飾演電影《鐵達尼號》女主角羅絲聲名大噪。
I was always auditioning for the school plays. I didn't really get very good parts. I would often get cast crocodile or the scarecrow, I was even a dancing frog once. But it didn't matter. I wanted to be great and I was determined to keep learning. I’ve been bullied at school. I felt that I wasn't good enough. I didn't have the perfect body. I didn’t lock myself away and give up on my dream. I fought back. I had to ignore the negative comments. I had to believe in myself. You have to be indestructible to do what you love, and believe that you are worth it.
audition / ɔˋdɪʃən / (v.) 試演、試鏡
例句:I'm auditioning for a big Broadway musical.
scarecrow / ˋskɛr͵kro / (n.) 稻草人
例句:Bring some old clothes so we can build a scarecrow.
indestructible / ͵ɪndɪˋstrʌktəbl / (a.) 不滅的、不能破壞的
例句:The soul is indestructible and its activity will continue through eternity.