雖非最大贏家,但導演吉兒.索羅維(Jill Soloway)在得獎時的高聲吶喊,卻成為當晚最震撼人心的一段演說。吉兒.索羅維除了痛罵美國總統候選人川普,指其為「危險的怪獸」、「希特勒接班人」之外,呼應《透明家庭》內容,她也在激勵人心的得獎感言中,大聲疾呼社會大眾停止對跨性別女性的暴力。
Being a director is so easy? It's a privilege and it also creates privilege. When you take women, people of color, trans people, queer people, and you put them at the center of the story, the subjects instead of the objects, you change the world, we found out. We found out! We need to stop violence against transgender woman and topple the patriarchy! Topple the patriarchy!
queer / kwɪr/ 奇怪的、古怪的;(俚)男同性戀的
例句:He had a queer look on his face.
transgender / ͵trænsˋdʒendər/ 跨性別的
例句:Transgender people deserve respect and equal treatment.
patriarchy / ˋpetrɪ͵ɑrkɪ/ 家(或族)長統治、父權制
例句:Women should challenge and topple over the superiority of men in the patriarchy society.