期交所以卓越的績效於今(2017)年9月21日贏得「FOW與全球投資人」(FOW and Global Investor)2017「亞洲資本巿場獎項」(Asia Capital Markets Awards 2017)之「年度交易所」首獎,展現臺灣期貨市場國際競爭力。期交所董事長劉連煜在頒獎典禮會場說:「歡迎所有外資參與臺灣活力無窮的資本市場!」
Thank you, everybody.
It's a great honor for Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) to receive “Exchange of the Year”. I would like to express my gratitude to “FOW and Global Investor” for acknowledging our efforts and performance, as well as to organize such a wonderful event.
Last year till now, we have made several achievements, including introducing the first RMB FX options, listing a few more offshore equity index futures based on the Nifty 50, Dow Jones and S&P 500 indices, adding two FX futures(euro and Japanese yen), upgrading our IT systems, and launching an after-hour trading session. On top of all these, we keep on providing a more open, competitive and sound marketplace. We welcome all traders around the world to participate in Taiwan's capital market, which has unlimited potential. Thank you.