A mountain-sized black hole would be enough to power the world's electricity supply. It wouldn't be easy to harness a mini black hole. If we had such a black hole, about the only way to keep hold of it would be to have it in orbit around the earth. A black hole could emit any collection of particles, a working television set, or a leather-bound volume of the complete works of Shakespeare, though the chance of such exotic emissions is very low. The message of this lecture is that black holes are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don't give up. There's a way out.
keep hold of 掌握
例句:They managed to keep hold of the ball through the game.
orbit /ˋɔrbɪt/ n. (天體)運行軌道
例句:The satellite was launched into orbit around the Earth.
exotic /ɛgˋzɑtɪk/ a. 奇特的、異國風情的
例句:There are many exotic creatures living in the jungle.