聯合國巴黎氣候峰會於11月30日展開。這次氣候峰會,歐盟的目標是希望能約束各國,合力將全球氣候升溫控制在攝氏2度以內。然而,歐盟氣候行動與能源執委卡尼特(Miguel Arias Canete)24日接受《華爾街日報》專訪時表示,由於各方利益不同,每個國家都有各自的難搞之處,「這會是一場極難的談判。」
This a polyethnic negotiation. In each theme, there are different interests. On binding mitigation commitments, the most difficult country will be the United States. When you go to transfer of technology, India will be asking that the Paris agreement will have elements on access to have state-of-the-art technology in renewables and energy efficiency. Every topic has different countries who are more stubborn in their positions, who are less flexible to find landing zones and prefer to stay in their comfort zones. It will be an extremely difficult negotiation.
mitigation /mɪtəˋgeʃən/(n.)減輕、和緩
例句:The lawyer strived to bargain a mitigation of punishment for her client.
state-of-the-art 最先進的
例句:State-of-the-art technologies are mostly owned by western countries.
stubborn /stʌbɚn/(a.)頑固的、倔強的
例句:My boss is as stubborn as a mule.