今年新科諾貝爾經濟學獎得主安格斯.迪頓(Angus Deaton)日前接受《金融時報》訪問,除聊聊得獎感想,也提到諾貝爾獎帶來的意外驚喜,竟是不少前所未聞的「舊識」找上門來。除此之外,他也首度公開當年接觸經濟學的內幕,原來是大學老師直指:「這個世界只有經濟學才適合你。」
Deaton:It was entirely accidental. I did mathematics as my main subject. And having a good time with friends actually got in the way of getting decent grades. It became clear that mathematics and I were long overdue for parting. And I went to see my senior tutor, he said, there’s only one thing for people like you – it’s called economics – and I said, okay, I’ll give it a try.
come out of the woodwork 人或事件在長期沉寂後,突然浮出水面,備受矚目。
例句:After you've been in the field for a while all sorts of little secrets start to come out of the woodwork.
twists and turns 迂迴轉折、一波三折
例句:The twists and turns of her career didn’t destroy her faith.
overdue /ˋovɚˋdju/(a.) 過期的、延遲的、老早該(完成某事)
例句:Changes to the company management are long overdue.