希臘危機一拖再拖,終於走到歐盟與希臘兩方都不得不痛下決心的最後關卡。六月底,現任歐盟委員會主席榮科(Jean-Claude Juncker)忍不住跳出來,大力抨擊希臘的利己主義使歐元區的未來蒙上一層陰影。就讓我們看看,國際政治上強硬措辭的英文是怎麼說的吧。
This is not a game of bluff or poker. It is not a case of one winner and one loser. Either we are all winners or we are all losers. So I am deeply distressed and saddened by the spectacle Europe put on last Saturday. In one night, a single night, the sense of Europeanness suffered a major blow. Goodwill seemed almost to evaporate. Self-interest and tactical, even populist, gamesmanship gained the upper hand.
bluff (n.) /blʌf/ 吹牛、虛張聲勢
例句:Everyone can tell his threats are merely bluff.
evaporate (v.) /ɪˋvæpə͵ret/ 消失
例句:His exciting evaporated as he realize the promotion was a joke.
gained the upper hand 占上風
例句:At the half time, Greek team seems to gained the upper hand.