四月中旬,國際貨幣基金示警美國如升息,可能引發經濟極度緊縮的恐慌。總裁拉加德隨後在國際金融與貨幣協會的記者會上,答覆更多關於全球經濟的提問。其中,她的回答應用了兩個從字面上完全猜不出語意的片語;take away不是外帶,in a nutshell也不是在堅果殼裡喔。
Lagarde:There are two things I take away……What we have observed in the last year is a good fiscal policy with some tightening clearly, exchange rate depreciation in order to adapt to this external shock, and some use of reserve buffers. That has been essentially in a nutshell the policy mix that has been adopted by the Nigerian authorities so far.
take away 重點
例句:With all the buzz about recent events all I took away was not to bully others by abusing the free speech right.
buffer (n.) /ˋbʌfɚ/ 緩衝
例句:Cash account serves as a great buffer while making financial plans.
in a nutshell 簡而言之
例句:In a nutshell, suicide is not a solution to life.