You are not gonna get rid of me until I get to see an equal number of female prime ministers and CEOs.…And until I see us not policing and oppressing each other and not ostracizing each other. And when I live in a world where this isn't narrowly-defined definition of masculinity and femininity. I'm just not gonna go.
ostracize (v.) /ˋɑstrə͵saɪz/ 排擠、排斥
例句:She's ostracized by her friends after she spread rumors about them.
masculinity (n.) /͵mæskjəˋlɪnətɪ/ 陽剛
例句:I don't think him wearing a kilt has lessened his masculinity at all.
femininity (n.) /͵fɛməˋnɪnətɪ/ 陰柔
例句:A man who's not afraid to show his femininity is brave.