海市蜃樓 castles in the air做廣義的解釋,即人生中任何想望卻無法實現的事,就像「空中樓閣」一樣。
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海市蜃樓 castles in the air
相似字 mirage
如果只把「海市蜃樓」當做沙漠中看到的幻象,那就要用mirage,如果做廣義的解釋,即人生中任何想望卻無法實現的事,那麼用mirage就有點文縐縐,不如用castles in the air,這句話和中文的「空中樓閣」意思一模一樣。
齊豫曾唱過一首英文歌Castles in the air,由有民謠詩人之稱的Don McClean做詞做曲,意思是一名男子厭倦空中樓闊式的生活,想回歸田園,踏實地生活。注意此處城堡用複數,因為用到「城堡群」這個概念。歌詞如下:
If she asks you why you can tell her that I told you
That I'm tired of castles in the air
I've got a dream I want the world to share in castle walls
Just leave me to despair
第一個castles in the air中的城堡是虛幻的,第二個castle walls的城堡,則是真實的,表示城牆內拘束的生活,作者用到雙關語。
1. 沒有一百萬,環遊世界對我不過是空中樓閤。
Until I have one million dollars, travelling around the world is castles in the air for me.
2. 當你在沙漠旅行時,你可能見到遠遠地,在又長又直的路的盡頭,有一片發光的湖,這是一種光學幻覺,稱為海市蜃樓。
When you travel in a desert, you might spot a sparkling lake at the far end of the long, straight road. It’s an optical illusion called mirage.
3. 別再談空話,拿出真材實料來!
Don’t talk to me about castles in the air again and again, where is the beef?